Welcome to me

A big part of me is a reflection of what is going to be written here...

I let myself taste the sweet and bitter, salt and pepper and just fly away in this private special place i like to call....thoughts without wings.

Be one of those who read and feel...my pain, my soul, all and more i can ever feel inside...
Its not just me..its all who are and were a huge part of my life.

For this and that..that and this..read me and leave a comment, i will appreciate that gesture so MUCH!!!

Seize the day....

segunda-feira, janeiro 12, 2009

enxugo a dor
Done 10-Nov-2008 3:04 PM



sussurro e murmuro


que ninguém pode escutar..

Se sofro

não é porque escolhi

se choro

é a dor que me adormece

o querer.


em todo

e qualquer lado

o que me possa

devolver o sorriso.

Debruço-me na magoa

de ter perdido,

sem certeza.


sinto a brisa

que me enxuga a dor

devolvo embrulhada

em chamas

a vontade

de ter...

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